Filtering by Category: Microblading

Enhancing Natural Beauty

Life poses many problems and brings many kinds of difficulties. For certain,  when we or our loved ones are faced with health issues that bring impossible circumstances, our internal strength, determination, and bravery are taxed beyond our limits. One such illness that has touched most of us is cancer. The most common treatment for cancer is chemotherapy.  Chemotherapy is defined as “an aggressive form of chemical drug therapy meant to destroy rapidly growing cells in the body. It's usually used to treat cancer, as cancer cells grow and divide faster than other cells. ... Chemotherapy is often used in combination with other therapies, such as surgery, radiation, or hormone therapy.”

     Medical News Today    says “Chemotherapy can prolong a person's life, and potentially rid them of cancer. Side effects are unpredictable and depend on the type of chemo drug a person is using. Illness, easy bruising or bleeding, and hair loss are some of the most common side effects.” Most side effects do not have permanent solutions unless the cancer goes into remission.

Microblading is used to provide temporary solutions for the side effect of hair loss. The patient should always consult their doctor first. After getting a go ahead from the doctor, make sure the artist you are to receive services from is qualified and licensed.

Do you have questions about microbalding for cancer survivors? Read our latest blog: This cancer survivor shares her beautiful story about getting microblading at Microblading LA. See the before and after photos and her reveal video when she sees her new eyebrows for the first time.


A New Artist In Town

A few weeks ago the word “microblading” was a new word that I encountered. My first thought was that maybe it had something to do with rollerblading. I dug deeper and soon learned that ”microblading” had nothing to do with rollerblading and everything to do with art. And in order to have art, it is necessary to have an artist. 

     Then I encountered the terms eyebrow embroidery and 3D and 6D eyebrow embroidery with microblading. Eyebrows that are lacking in body and fullness are changed from thin to thick and narrow to wide. The changes bring out and enhance the “natural beauty” of the eyes.

     It seems that Asia is the home of 3D eyebrow embroidery. Later the artists would advance to 6D eyebrow embroidery. The 3D artists use a stroking technique and the application is done with the use of machines. The 6D eyebrow embroidery uses very fine and very thin needles for accuracy. The work is done by hand with no use of machines.

     6D is very time consuming and takes up to 3 hours of the artists undivided attention. It is an art that has room for only the best artists.

“History of Microblading - What Do We Know?”

“History of Microblading - What Do We Know?”

Sian Dellar is described as London’s most sought after Microblading and permanent makeup specialist. In a recent interview she says, “Microblading originated in China, over ten years ago. It’s a very refined technique and has slowly filtered through to us in the West. It’s become established over here in the last three years, but it’s in the past year that it’s just blown up.” 

In a”A Brief History of Microblading” written by the MLA Staff, we are told the following:

“Microblading eyebrows first rose to prominence about 25 years ago throughout Asia. Its history is not well-documented in the US, and it doesn’t help that it’s gone by so many different names: microstroking, feather tattooing, eyebrow tattooing, “the Japanese Method,” feathering, hairstroking… the list goes on. In Asia, the technique matured as artists experimented with different brow patterns and tools and application techniques.

In the same article ”A Brief History of Microblading” we learn, “Today, more advanced techniques such as “3D Eyebrows” are popular throughout the United States. Newer techniques are still being innovated in of Asia, such as the “6D Eyebrow” by artists like David Zhang.”

A Wikipedia Article states that The first Native Americans brought this technology with them across the Bering Land Bridge to North America. At least six independent Native American groups used microblade technology,

It becomes obvious that there is not a firm agreement on when and where Microblading began. For our purposes we know the following:

  • The Japanese insist Microblading did not begin in Japan. 

  • Microblading was common throughout Asia, including China.

  • Microblade Technology (the invention and making of tools) was common across Asia for centuries. (Wikipedia) The Native Americans brought this Technology from Asia when they migrated to North America.

  • Microblading eyebrows became  prominent throughout Asia 25 years ago.

  • Through training, practice, and refinement many Vietnamese artists have been trained in the skills, and techniques of Microblading. Their training comes with high standards and pride in their art.

  • In the last few years, this art has gained popularity in the United States.


Picayune Microblading Grand Opening Nov. 12th 2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm Ribbon cutting @ 3:30pm

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New Techniques -- New Looks!

Previously we defined Microblading. We looked at some photos and we saw a video featuring celebrities showing us before and after .The end result of Microblading certainly looks good. It is especially beneficial if you have dry skin.. Dry skin or not, the process is certainly a work of art in the hands of an artist.

But wait, there is more to learn. Now we are told about Micro-shading. This is a process that fills the empty spots making the eyebrows look fuller.

The Ombre Technique uses a combination of Microblading and Micro-shading if you have thinning eyebrows with dry skin.

We always like to look our best and these new techniques give us an opportunity to move to another level with our appearance.


Are you ready to make your appointment today?


Picayune Microblading Grand Opening Nov. 12th 2019 3:00pm to 4:00pm Ribbon cutting @ 3:30pm

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