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6D Microblading vs 3D Microblading?

Why is 6D Microblading better than 3D Microblading?


In this day and age many beauty techniques help us improve our face; such as micropigmentation of the eyebrows, many times micropigmentation of the eyebrows is confused with a tattoo; but, as the name itself indicates, very small pigments are used. These are placed on the first layer of skin (2 up to 5 mm) with small needles that introduce the pigment, unlike a tattoo, where thicker needles are used and the depth reaches 2 mm.


Within the micropigmentation techniques, there is Microblading, which gives a very natural look thanks to its handmade procedure, which helps to correct or reconstruct the eyebrow, since a personalized design is created that draws hair by hair until the desired result is achieved.

What Does The Microblading Technique Consist Of?

It is a semi-permanent manual make-up technique and therefore it is not considered a tattoo because the cuts that are made are very superficial since a micro knife is used that is 3 times thinner than the needles used in the machines that are used to perform the normal tattooing technique and the hair-to-hair technique. 

Only the first layer of skin is scratched, giving an extremely aesthetic result since during the procedure superfine hairs are drawn and mixed with the natural hair of the eyebrow.

What Should I Consider Before Deciding To Have This Procedure Done?

- The first and most important thing is to ask what type of pigments they use, make sure they are vegetable, that is to say, that they do not contain lead or iron oxide since this will prevent you from donating blood and you will not be able to have MRIs in the future if you need them. 

-Also, ask if they use Indian ink since this can change color and/or migrate over time. 

-Ask if the design is done hair by hair with a demographer or with an inductor since the line with the first one is thicker and less natural. 

-The material used to deposit the pigment should be disposable and sterilized.

Pepper is a Master artist from se Asia. She offers 6D Microblading & Permanent makeup services.

Advantages of 6D Microblading

Microblading is a good option if you want to try modifying your eyebrows, either in size, thickness, or shape, in a natural way. Slim Model explains to us that this treatment is done hair by hair and is temporary, as it lasts between one and two years when tattooed on the epidermis. It is a method suitable for women and men, whatever their skin tone is.

Disadvantages of 3D Microblading

This technique by itself has very few disadvantages; however, there are some special situations where Microblading is not recommended. These cases are pregnancy, allergy to pigments, history of keloids (excessive growth of scar tissue), if you suffer from diabetes, hemophilia or hepatitis, or if you are taking the anticoagulant medication. Besides, it is recommended that you consult your doctor before undergoing this semi-permanent tattooing technique.

Differences between 3D And 6D Microblading

There are many doubts regarding these terms; the technique of micropigmentation of the eyebrows is the same, the difference depends on what the client wants, what the specialists recommend or the aspect that is sought, both techniques are adapted to the needs of each person.

- Microblading 3D is characterized by the use of 3 different pigment colors.

- The Microblading 6D, 6 colors of pigments are used to give an even more natural look to the eyebrows.

Picayune Microblading & Permanent Makeup on Kicker 108 (AJ)

Why use 6D before 3D?

This method is ideal for anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their eyebrows, however, it is not recommended for people with oily or problematic skin, the results consist of a natural look, similar to the hairs, no matter how much hair you already have, People who suffer from trigonometric alopecia or any other condition that causes hair loss can benefit greatly from 6D Microblading than 3D since it looks much more natural to the eye, plus those people who are simply not happy with their eyebrows can use this method without any fear.


In this article, we have compared the 6D Microblading and the 3D Microblading and proved that the first one is better. Beautification methods have evolved for the better, so using advanced techniques such as 6D Microblading is the most effective way to look good. But let us know what you think in the comments section down below!

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Enhancing Natural Beauty

Life poses many problems and brings many kinds of difficulties. For certain,  when we or our loved ones are faced with health issues that bring impossible circumstances, our internal strength, determination, and bravery are taxed beyond our limits. One such illness that has touched most of us is cancer. The most common treatment for cancer is chemotherapy.  Chemotherapy is defined as “an aggressive form of chemical drug therapy meant to destroy rapidly growing cells in the body. It's usually used to treat cancer, as cancer cells grow and divide faster than other cells. ... Chemotherapy is often used in combination with other therapies, such as surgery, radiation, or hormone therapy.”

     Medical News Today    says “Chemotherapy can prolong a person's life, and potentially rid them of cancer. Side effects are unpredictable and depend on the type of chemo drug a person is using. Illness, easy bruising or bleeding, and hair loss are some of the most common side effects.” Most side effects do not have permanent solutions unless the cancer goes into remission.

Microblading is used to provide temporary solutions for the side effect of hair loss. The patient should always consult their doctor first. After getting a go ahead from the doctor, make sure the artist you are to receive services from is qualified and licensed.

Do you have questions about microbalding for cancer survivors? Read our latest blog: This cancer survivor shares her beautiful story about getting microblading at Microblading LA. See the before and after photos and her reveal video when she sees her new eyebrows for the first time.


A New Artist In Town

A few weeks ago the word “microblading” was a new word that I encountered. My first thought was that maybe it had something to do with rollerblading. I dug deeper and soon learned that ”microblading” had nothing to do with rollerblading and everything to do with art. And in order to have art, it is necessary to have an artist. 

     Then I encountered the terms eyebrow embroidery and 3D and 6D eyebrow embroidery with microblading. Eyebrows that are lacking in body and fullness are changed from thin to thick and narrow to wide. The changes bring out and enhance the “natural beauty” of the eyes.

     It seems that Asia is the home of 3D eyebrow embroidery. Later the artists would advance to 6D eyebrow embroidery. The 3D artists use a stroking technique and the application is done with the use of machines. The 6D eyebrow embroidery uses very fine and very thin needles for accuracy. The work is done by hand with no use of machines.

     6D is very time consuming and takes up to 3 hours of the artists undivided attention. It is an art that has room for only the best artists.

The Real Thing!

If I wanted a Mona Lisa, this one might be cheap , but I would be buying poor quality. It is also an attempted imitation of an original artist. I would get what I paid for.


It makes more sense to look for an original artist who can provide quality work at an affordable price.

Pepper is one of the few 6D trained artists in the New Orleans metropolitan area.

A new business in Picayune is bringing microblading services to the community.

Picayune Microblading is owned and operated by Hong “Pepper” Poe, said her husband Scott.

Pepper is a native of Vietnam but now resides in Picayune with her husband. She brings more than 14 years of cosmetic experience with her, five of those conducting microblading services. Before moving to Picayune, she operated a hair salon outside of Saigon, Vietnam.

Pepper can now be found in the nail salon located at 306 Highway 11, but will relocate to an adjoining suite in the same building in the near future.

Mr. Poe said his wife is an advanced microblading artist, who can provide ombré, micro shading, traditional microblading, permanent makeup to the lips and eye shadow services.

Microblading is a technique similar to tattooing, but injects ink into a shallower layer of the epidermis using a hand held multi-needle tool.

The results of a microblading session can last one to three years.

For a full list of the rates and services offered , visit her website:

Picayune Microblading can be reached by calling

(504) 533-1947

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