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Can Pepper correct other artist's errors?

Shape correction

If you are looking for permanent makeup you should first decide who is going to do this. Unfortunately, many people due to lack of expenditure go to the untrained makeup artists who can't perform it properly, and then the customers complain. These untrained artists are damaging the reputation of the industry so, whenever you are going for permanent makeup make sure that your makeup artist is fully trained and licensed. 

Correcting permanent makeup is not simple and requires a unique and distinctive solution for every single case. Because, permanent makeup consists of many pigments and chemical particles, totally different from ink particles. Therefore, this is a very complicated and tricky thing.

Accomplishing permanent makeup properly requires talent and similarly to know the right way to redesign the eyebrow also requires talent. Only a talented artist can know how to enrich and re-balance his client's face by taking a look. 

Sometimes, the shape of permanent eyebrows, lip liner, eyeliner is not much worse and can be corrected with some tweaking.

And sometimes, the repairing process may be complicated and expensive. To do the process in the right way professional artists pay attention to every single thing i.e. mixing multiple colors and utilizing multiple techniques like adding or changing the pigments or many others to give you the desired shape. 


Microblading is a technique of creating hair-like strokes to fill in sparse brows. You can achieve natural-looking brows by not doing any effort. 6D Microblading is the new technique for the enhancement of eyebrows. This process contains a blade with ultra-fine needles to make extremely thin and natural-looking lines that seem to be eyebrow hairs. These hairs are permanent for 1 to 2 years depending on the lifestyle and skin type of the client. 

The process of microblading is like making a tattoo in which pigment is inserted in the skin. Microblading is also known as eyebrow tattooing, however, microblading is not permanent like tattoos. In microblading, the pigment is applied on the upper layer of the client's skin and then the thin lines are drawn with the help of blades. The whole procedure can be carried out in 2 to 3 hours. 

Microblading is composed of 3D, 4D, and 6D eyebrows to achieve the desired results. The 3D eyebrow process results in giving a full brow with dark hair strokes. But the 6D eyebrow process gives results with thin and tiny hair strokes.

Most people are afraid of the pain and also ask the question of whether microblading hurts or not. But this depends on the tolerance ability of the client. Some clients enjoy the session and some fall asleep and some experience severe pain. The numbing cream is used as an anesthetic to reduce the pain before starting the process but more creams can be used as anesthetic according to the pain during the process. 

Microblading is an artwork so you should find a professional artist that will satisfy you and you can get your perfect eyebrows. You should be first satisfied with the man you are going to get treatment. For this purpose, you should ask from his previous clients and see the images on his social media account. 

Before going for the procedure, you should prepare your body by not drinking tea or coffee on the day of the appointment. You shouldn't consume alcohol at least 24 hours prior to the appointment. Don't wax at least 3 days prior to the appointment. Avoid sun exposure for at least 20 days before the appointment. A touch up is also strongly recommended by the therapist after the procedure to reach the best result possible. The number of touch-ups can vary according to the skin and lifestyle of the client. 

Therapists also suggest not to use the blood thinners when you are going for microblading as this can affect blood clotting. 

Sometimes clients choose the shape but you should listen to the professional artist. As he suggests the shape that is perfect for your face. But if you want the shape of your wish you are free. But the professional will suggest you the best for the enhancement of your beauty. 

Some people are afraid of looking fake but microblading will give you a natural look of eyebrows. 

This procedure is not for you if:

You are pregnant or breastfeeding 

You are having skin allergy problems

You have severe acne

You have Psoriasis

You have Keloid scarring 

You have a deficiency of iron

You having problems of Iodine allergy

It is important to have a artist that is properly trained and licensed by the State.

Scar Camouflage Makeup

Sometimes scars can affect your daily life and you might lose your confidence. So, scars can complicate your life. There are multiple methods and techniques to soften the textures of scars and camouflage them by permanent makeup. 

Scars are of different kinds. If your scars are lighter than we can use a semi-permanent pigment to diminish the look of the scar on your face or body. First of all, we choose the pigment that will be suitable for your skin tone and blend it. Then, insert this pigment into your asking by needles and create a permanent camouflage. The result will be permanent for 2 to 3 years and then you can refresh it. This procedure takes 20 minutes and prepares you for any social or special event.

Collagen Induction Therapy

Scar tissue treatment is the Collagen Induction Therapy in which scars soften with the help of microneedles and pigments. You can see the incredible and extraordinary results even after the first session. This technique is exceptionally effective and beneficial. We ensure you the best results possible through Collagen Induction Therapy. 

The combination of Growth Factor Induction Therapy with a dermal stamp is highly recommended by the therapists as it gives extraordinary results and is extremely effective and beneficial. This technique can soften the scars and can also lift the depressed scars at the same time. If your skin has fibrous or large scars then we will first improve your skin tone by using growth factors before starting the procedure of scar camouflage treatment.
