A Brief History of Dominick Hart

A Brief History of Dominick Hart

I am Dominick Hart. I am a hair expert specializing in ethnic hair, and licensed by the Mississippi Department of Health. Since childhood, I have been attracted to makeup and hair art, and I found that most of my time was spent learning to be the very best at it.


When I first realized my passion for hair art, it was 1999. But at that time, I thought of it as a professional crush, but there were times when I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I was to join any profession, it had to be the beauty industry.



When I first started doing hair, I was only fourteen years old. I wanted to make the ladies appear even more beautiful. I had the vision to make people fall in love with themselves. There are many of those out there who hate themselves just because of the way they look.


Sadly, our society judges a person by their looks and not by their character. A handsome playboy is preferred over a nerdy true lover. The same is the case with girls. Society expects them to exhibit glamor all the time, but they do not understand it is simply not possible.


Hence, I decided that if I can not change the way society thinks, I can help those neglected ones give themselves a second chance and be accepted by these cruel norms. I struggled very hard to learn and master the skills that I was interested in.


But there were numerous hindrances in my journey. First of all, I was a man in a woman’s business, so I had to face criticism and rejections. People used to refer to me as feminine and mocked me, saying I lost my manhood.


Some considered it a shame for a man to beautify a woman and learn about makeup. Some even had the opinion that a man becoming a makeup artist is gay. And those who had contrary thinking, were simply not ready to let me in their business. I tried several places, left no stone unturned, but I couldn’t see any results.



Finally, I had my breakthrough and found someone who would teach me all that I ever wanted to learn. In June 2019, my life changed forever. I escapade death. It was so close to me. That event changed me forever. My life was about to end that moment, but then, it seemed as if God changed His decision at the last second and decided to prolong my life.


That was the crucial moment when I realized that I should pay more attention to my future. I came to know the importance of every breath that I am taking. I became aware of the essence of life and the importance of life itself. At that time, I remembered all the mistakes I ever made and a recap of my life. It was as tons of wisdom was endowed upon me at that time.


At that moment, when I came face to face with death, I remembered my grandfather. I commemorated his love for Jesus and his religious nature. And when I got control of my conscience again, I remembered his sermon.


I decided that I needed to change the objectives of my life and make it more fruitful in my kingdom relationship and business. Now I have moved all my dedication first towards God, the church, and finally towards my business.


On this journey of success, my Grandparents legacy has been a significant support and inspiration for me. My grandfather’s trial sermon raises my hopes when I feel low. When I came to myself, referring to the prodigal son Luke 15:17. The examples they left me to pattern have made me realize that I am required to keep trying and never give up. Their courageous strengths have pushed me forward and forced me to get up whenever I came close to giving up.


I have also looked at my mother Linda and have seen what it means to never give up. Mother has taught me that I needed to trust God, cling to the last strand of hope and get myself up again. She stressed I needed to achieve my goals in life and fulfill my God given destiny.


The next most important person on this journey was and is Pepper. My mentor and my teacher. I am still thankful to God for allowing me a second chance to choose an enlightened path. Then I thank Pepper for giving me a chance and taking me under her wing to learn new methodologies and techniques in the world of beauty.


I am currently an apprentice of Pepper at Picayune Microblading, where I am learning 6D Microblading and Permanent Makeup. I want to learn more every day to beautify women and return them the love and care they have been lacking.


It has been almost 21 years since I first joined the beauty industry. I faced a lot; I overcame a lot, but I achieved a lot too. Today, whenever I look back on the path I have travelled, I burst into tears of joy and happiness.



I regularly go to the church and thank the Almighty Creator for his blessings and seek forgiveness for all those sins that I may have committed, knowingly, or unknowingly. My role in the beauty industry is more than just being a hair expert.


I believe that I am a servant of God sent to help the people and make their lives beautiful and return them the joys and laughter of life that they might have missed. Today, my sole purpose is to serve humanity and help to please and serve God’s creation.


I am still on the road that I took 21 years ago, and I don’t know how far I still have to go. I hope that I can keep doing all the good work that I am doing and help people see the beauty inside them and, once again, fall in love with themselves.


I hope that God keeps helping me on my journey and allows me to serve humanity as long as possible.



For appointments call Picayune Microblading:  (504) 533-1947