Scott’s Pepper – The Journey Of My Missing Piece…

Scott’s Pepper – The Journey Of My Missing Piece…   

Just like any other Cliché story, our story started with the two of us being continents apart, while I didn’t know her, and she didn’t know me. We were living our own lives in our cities and struggling to find the missing pieces of life. 

While I was always restless, being a customer service agent, a good job, peaceful life, but everything felt a little incomplete.   

Ten thousand miles away, my missing piece Pepper (Hong), was struggling to learn her art in a country with limited opportunities for the talent she had. She always felt it was not coming up to her personal, predetermined standard.  She was very enthusiastic towards the field of Beauty Art, and truly she had an eye for it; she studied and self-taught the art and worked for three years in the industry to strengthen  it. 


Finally, in 2007 she achieved her goal and opened her salon, and her journey had finally begun. Yes, it started because she didn’t rest here; indeed, she pushed herself to learn even more and enrolled herself in the school to learn nail art. 

I genuinely believe her passion was the driving force and energy that opened ways for her. Not only did  she become a successful entrepreneur, but  she also introduced many treatments and procedures in her salon, which were rare even for the world outside of Vietnam.

Day after day, Pepper would come home, feeling complete in her work life, but in her heart, she felt lonely, she met many men, but she couldn’t understand what was missing. Mostly she would end up alone again.

Redundancy and normalcy are not for my Pepper, she hardly rested a year or two, and again in 2015, she went back to school.

By this time, she wanted to learn how to be a 6D Artist. People around her kept telling her she was over-enthusiastic, and she should settle with what she has, but once  again that  is not Pepper. 

This course needed extreme dedication, precision in learning, hard work day and night, resources, and time. But, it wouldn’t be Pepper if she stepped back from a little hard work and challenge.


While she worked at her salon, meanwhile she learned the art of MicroBlading and Permanent Makeup. For over six months, she worked tirelessly, working and practicing her art, pushing herself to learn while working  over 480 hours in six months. 

For all her hard work and dedication,  she finished her course without any hiccups. Just like a caterpillar comes out of Chrysalis, beautiful and ready to fly, so was my Pepper, with her skills, already flying and achieving. 

Indeed those three years post-course were the best days of her life, for her career, as she offered her clients the best she always wanted. Not only she could offer them the best, but she was also happy that she was finally able to achieve what she set the target to.

But this all was happening back in Vietnam, in a country with limited opportunities, while I was here, looking for my missing piece in life. 

After work, it was immensely haunting to be home, and often I walked for miles aimlessly. One fine day, I went to a party at a college, where I met Phoebe, who suggested I talk to a girl she thought I should get to know. 

Scott's Pepper - The Journey Of My Missing Piece... Just like any other Cliché story, our story started with the two of us being continents apart, while I didn...

But there was a ridge in the road, Phoebe said, she can’t understand English. But, I was already interested in giving it a try; Cupid was definitely at work; hence, we started talking, mostly video chatting with the help of translating software.

It was tedious, but none of us felt it; we were too absorbed in the process and getting to know each other. Now my lonely nights and long walks were replaced with Pepper and translating software, and this is when I decided to meet her. 

Evidently, we have seen in countless movies people flying across continents and oceans to meet their loved ones. Similarly, I was excited to meet her for the first time, and man! The feeling of seeing her for the first time was surreal. 

Well, this was not my only trip to Vietnam; for the next two years, I flew four times to meet Pepper and her family, and we all got to know each other very well. While it is obvious we were crazy in love; we decided to be together instantly.

Somewhere in 2018, we got married, and Pepper started this journey together from sacrifices. Not only, she moved to America with me, but also she sold her business for no less than 500 dollars. I am forever in debt. 

Our new life started with challenges and difficulties, but they were pleasant since we have each other. I was utterly grateful for her sacrifices, and it broke my heart when she worked as a waitress for a year in New Orleans.  

Certainly, I was wrong in thinking her shine was fading away, but my girl would never let her spark go. She was working on her English and removing the only barrier in her way of career, and within one year, she not only learned the language but started her salon. 

Indeed, 2019 has been the year for us, we welcomed our little girl Chloe into our lives, and meanwhile, Pepper started her salon. Her energy dazzles me; she adjusted here in no time, but also started her venture and made friends. 

With all her hard work, now she is proudly a Master Artist in Southeast Asia, but also, here in America, artists like her are still a rare find. 

Now, she got  licensed from the Mississippi Department of Health and Human Services, and due to her efforts, the services of 6D are also available in Picayune, Mississippi. 

She has gradually become extremely famous in 6D MicroBlading, Ombre’,  MicroShading, Permanent makeup, eyeliner, or makeup on lips. Moreover, she has become a trusted service provider in case of correcting other artists' work.



Our greatest wish is to be together every day to further this goal. I am attending school for my nail license. Where Pepper has done nails and beauty for many years I have always been in the customer service field. We see a great void in Picayune for a salon that has not only beautiful nails and a relaxing environment but top notch customer service as well. WoW Nailz will open February 2021 Pepper and I will be able to share our love and passion with all of Picayune and the surrounding area.


You can Contact Picayune Microblading & WoW Nailz By calling 504-533-1947