Top 10 Things to know about 6D Microblading

Top 10 Things to Know about 6D Microblading

Do you like the idea of getting permanent fuller eyebrows? Are you interested in learning the secret?        

Then we have the miracle treatment description covered here that can help you achieve fuller eyebrows that look natural and shaped.

The secret to fuller eyebrows is microblading. This treatment is a hassle-free and brings your eyebrows back to life. In short, it is a type of eyebrow architecture that creates a medical grade pigment on the dermatitis layer for the skin - giving fine, realistic, and natural hair strokes.      

How Microblading Is Done?    

The process of microblading uses a precise tool - more of a pen with a nib being a sloped blade with 10 to 12 mm at the end. These needles never penetrate deep into the skin; just delicately scratch the surface, more like a paper cut for creating pigmented and flawless-looking eyebrows.

Before microblading, there are some of the important things that you need to know:


1. Difference between Microblading and Brow Tattoos

Unlike tattooing, microblading does not penetrate in the deep layer of skin and remains on the surface. The process of microblading fades within 18 months. Hence, it is semi-permanent.

The hair strokes created with microblading are more natural and fine than any tattoo. Therefore, there is more of scratching noise, rather than buzzing sound of a tattoo gun which pierces the skin so deeply. 

2. Is Microblading Allergic?

Many have sensitive skin or are allergic to some pigments. But there are very few cases, extremely rare in fact, who suffer from any skin damage post microblading. 

Before investing your money in any such beauty treatments it is advisable to perform a patch or a scratch test to check whether you are allergic to the pigments or not. 

3. What Is Special About 6d Microblading?

We all have heard about different microblading techniques or fancy micro blades that help to create permanent makeup. But, 6D microblading is different from all those in-salon treatments and permanent makeup. 

However, microblading is spreading like a wildfire throughout the salons and giving ladies a major goal to achieve a completely new defined look. For getting a permanent solution to all eyebrows, you must learn about what 6D microblading is all about.

ü  It is a new technique of embroidering eyebrows using blades

ü  Unlike 3D, it does not use any machines

ü  Gives natural-looking eyebrows

ü  Strokes perfectly blends in

ü  *Give natural and same color texture

ü  Creates fuller, thin or sharp eyebrows

4. How Long Does Microblading Last?

The longevity of microblading depends on the type of skin. The pigments usually last anything between 12-18 months. 

People who have oily skin, treatment last around 12 months (before needing a top-up). But for those with normal skin, it could last up to 18 months.

It is always advisable to get top-ups every 18 months or so. Otherwise, your eyebrows will eventually fade away.

Don't worry about the scars or discoloration as the fading out will leave no signs of pigments.

5. Is microblading Painful?

The process of microblading is not painful, it is more a sensation. It doesn't hurt as much as it looks Thanks to the numbing ointment that is applied.

 Don't worry about the sound of the blades! The small scratching is done very quickly - it usually takes around 50 minutes, you aren't under the needles for the whole 2 hours.


6. Can Microbladed Eyebrow Be Undone?

Ladies you don't have to worry about the dark brows. Be patient with the results - it will get back to normal! It is important to understand that your brows will be 40% darker for 7 to 10 days (this happens during the healing process). Don't scrub or use a salt/ saline solution, it may remove microbladed brows. Let your brows settle, after a week or so you will begin to see the final color.

7. Prepare Yourself Properly

Before a microblading appointment there are certain things to remember:

·      Exfoliation is always recommended - two weeks before the procedure.

·      Avoid alpha hydroxyl acid products and retinoids

·      Don't consume blood thinners, aspirin, and alcohol at least for one week before treatment (to avoid blood clots)

8. Results Vary

Depending on types of skin, pigments used, incision application and pressure, and how well you follow aftercare direction, the impact and results of Microblading may vary. It is recommended that after the appointment if you face some irritation contact the conducting dermatitis immediately.  

Remember waiting is the key! The more you wait, the better are the results.

9. It Is Not For Everyone

People who tend to develop allergies, pigments, or experience acute issues; this treatment is not for you. Your BFF might be serving brows on fleek, but if you have liver disease, are pregnant or nursing, microblading is a big NO!

Always be in contact with your dermatologist. Do not try any funky home remedies. It is better to ask your technician for the pigment ingredients. 

10. Special Care Is Required

After microblading, try to avoid sun exposure as it can hinder the healing process. Always apply SPF 30 every day.

Ø  Maintain a thin layer of coconut butter, Neosporin, or Aquaphor until healed. This will prevent pigment from fading or getting infected.

Ø  Don’t exercise a lot as sweating can push out pigment - lead to fading.

Ø  For adding extra comfort, sleep on your back for the next few nights. This will prevent your raw and tender skin from getting agitated. 

Learn about Permanent Eyeliner

Eyeliner is another way to get sexy and beautiful eye look along the upper and/ or lower eyelashes. The pigmented lines are created matching to the eyelash hair color. The pigment is so rich and creamy which gives your eyes those sharpness, thickness, length, and color that you desire. The entire treatment lasts for 2 hours and takes about a week to heal. But once the healing is done, you will achieve permanent eyeliner look all the time. 


After getting eyeliner perfection treatment, you don't have to worry about buying those expensive eyeliners pens or working on creating those wings. 

Few Dos and Don'ts about Microblading:


ü  Always use a clean pillow

ü  Exercise once a week

ü  Say no to eyebrow make-up or cream application


§  Do not pluck, tweeze or wax or have electrolysis one week prior

§  Do not sit directly under the sun two weeks before

§  Do not use any facial or peel-off prior two weeks

§  Do not use vitamin A or retinol products one month prior

§  Do not sweat a lot

§  Do not have Botox for three weeks

§  Do not take fish oil, a natural blood thinner, or Vitamin E one week prior

§  Do not apply eyebrow tint or wax three days prior

Remember you are not done until after the second section! 

The more you care, the better you will see the results. Remember getting flawless eyebrows requires time and patience.

All the hard work will be worth it if you let your eyebrow settle on its own and don't freak out too much.

Nowadays, ladies are interested in getting microblading done because beautiful eyes are a source of pride

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