A taste of Asia: Luxury earwax cleaning


Ear Wax Cleaning

Every body part is equally important and together assists the proper working of the whole body as well as the biological process going inside. This is why we should properly take care of all body parts and it's hygiene. As you bathe daily to keep yourself hygienic in the same way you also have to take care of the proper cleanliness of your ears as well. Ear wax is the common thing not to be ashamed of. It has its own biological importance for the proper working of your ears. But still an excess amount can damage your ears and you could go through some surgical process as well. So, you must have to care about the ear wax cleaning.

Special care while ear wax cleaning 

Generally, to clean out ear wax we use some kinds of cotton buds that are easily available in the medical store or in general stores. They are assumed to be the safest option to clean the ear wax since the cotton is used over there but we never look in the fact that instead of cleaning the ear wax we are pushing back the wax into the ear which will not decrease the amount of wax instead will form certainly a thick layer deep in the ear which can cause several issues further.


This is why proper care is required while cleaning the ear wax and if you really want to protect your ear and lower the potential damage then the best option is visiting an audiologist who can clean your ears professionally. Getting your ears cleaned professionally is much more beneficial than taking the job in your own hands.

Major benefits of ear wax cleaning: 

1. Safe cleaning process that does not damage your hearing

While you are cleaning your ears by yourself there is a high probability that you might insert the bud too deep and get your ear damaged. But in the professional way of cleaning the ear, there is no risk of getting damages inside your ears. This process also prevents the pushing of the ear wax deep in the ear as well as also protects against any kind of scratches in the inner lining of the ear. Thus getting your war cleaned with the professional tools and with a professional person who is expert with it is far better than any kind of other home tool.

2. Prevents the possible major infections in future

Your ear canal is so deep that you cannot even see what is going in there and either wax formation has been started or not. And not being able to identify on time leads to the impacted earwax. Impacted earwax is a situation when the wax inside the ear gets in bunches together and gets hard enough to remove it. Several times such impaction can lead to some major and minor problems. Some of the minor symptoms include: damp ear, popping noises, mild hearing loss, or feeling a clog In the ear. If you face any of such symptoms you need your ears to get cleaned up by professionals on time. But if you face any kind of major symptoms such as fever, difficulty in sleeping, etc after getting your ear cleaned then this indicates the major infections of the ear that you will be likely to face in the coming future. This is why a professional cleanup is required.

3. You won't get impacted earwax too regularly: 

A proper and timely care of ears prevents it from getting frequent impacted earwax. But still, if you do not take proper care of your ears then you will be facing impacted earwax more frequently. Such problems are a lot irritating as well as frustrating in the underage especially. A professional audiologist will clean your ear wax very properly so that in future you won't be developing more ear wax. This will also keep your ears clean for a long period of time as well.

Ear wax cleaning technique used by Pepper

Ear wax cleaning is one of the major cleaning processes required by our body in proper time so you must pay attention to providing the best service. One of the best techniques to clean the ear wax is here used by the professional Pepper and that is the most reliable Vietnamese technique. The main tools included in this process are a tiny razor, a miniature shovel-like device to scoop up ear wax, tweezers like a device to scrape the inner ear, and the little cotton balls on the sticks that are swirled inside the ear to tickle the skin.

The process is very common, for which you are welcomed with a Vietnamese coffee or tea and then you are settled in the chair tilting your head go one side. Then the professional wearing a headlamp begins the job by gently probing. The effect of the overall process is so soothing that it's not uncommon for customers to doze off.

The work done by the Pepper includes all the major precautions and also meets the safety requirements. The tools are also properly sterilized before the use and even since the tools are not reused to prevent any kind of infection. The ear picking is done very carefully and not too much is done to leave the ear dry which may cause itching and irritation as well. All the processes included in the Vietnamese technique are properly and professionally carried out here.



Thus, ear wax cleaning is obviously a healthy practice to keep your ear clean and prevent any kind of infection or major damages which are caused due to the ear wax impaction and due to cleaning from sharp tools that can even sometimes snatch your hearing power too. So, you must on time get your ear wax professionally cleaned and one of the best-applied techniques also used by Pepper is the Vietnamese technique which is world-famous and the most reliable one to practice.
